Newtonian Physics

by Roseanne Script

Newtonian Physics: All the universe is a machine with moving parts and space and time are absolute.In the world of Newtonian physics, everything looks the same to everyone else in the universe, irrespective of your location and speed. I don’t know abou…


by admin

Unruffling: A basic energy healing technique in which the practitioner’s hands brush over the congested area until it feels cleared.  The concept comes form Dolores Krieger as part of Therapeutic Touch training. (Feel Good Now p. 98) Currently, Healing Touch offers a similar treatment called Hands in Motion as does Reiki, called scanning and feeling […]

Energy Field

by admin

Universal Energy Field (UEF) or Human Energy Field (HEF): An energy field that surrounds all living things. It includes light that pulsates and can be sensed with higher perception. It has an organizing effect on matter and builds form. Our field is comprised of the chakras and the human aura.  Any living matter contains an […]

Buffalo Healing Therapies